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Category Archives: Diet & Exercise

6 Tips on How to Work Out with Urinary Incontinence

Weight loss and a strong body alleviate symptoms of urinary incontinence. Many find that they leak more when they exercise. While that may be true there are ways to decrease leakage while working out. Take your life back from Read More...

What are The Best Foods to Alleviate Your Sensitive Bladder

So you have a sensitive bladder? That’s nothing that can’t be controlled with a comfortable adult diaper, proper exercise, and a fine diet. Swap out troublesome foods that cause frequent trips to the bathroom for better options. This can Read More...

5 Healthy Incontinence – Friendly Cocktails

Drinking alcohol lowers your ADH levels, so you frequent the bathroom. Obviously this is not ideal for people with incontinence. Alcohol also has a lot of calories, sugar and or carbohydrates which increases weight gain, and slows down your Read More...

3 Best Yoga Poses to Control Urinary Incontinence

Yoga. It’s it’s calming, it’s a great work out, and it’s incredibly trendy. This hip form of exercise makes you as flexible as monkey and lean as a lioness. After a good yoga workout, your fierce new muscles are Read More...