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What is Overflow Urinary Incontinence?

Overflow Urinary Incontinence occurs when the bladder muscles cannot squeeze properly and it becomes difficult to completely empty the bladder of urine. When the bladder does not empty properly, you experience “dribbling”, or leakage of urine. Read More...

What is the Proper Color, Odor and Frequency of Urine?

What proper Urine means for your Health rn Just like a snowflake, every person’s urine is unique. Some have a bold color and a distinct smell, while others are more water-like. Quantity and frequency differs as well, based on health and Read More...

What is Stress Urinary Incontinence?

Get the Facts about Stress Urinary Incontinence rnUrinary Incontinence is a health condition in which you involuntarily or accidentally leak urine. Urinary Incontinence occurs when the muscles that control your urine flow are too weak or too active. The bladder Read More...

Why do Women have Urinary Incontinence?

 Women with Urinary Incontinence rn Millions of women experience Urinary Incontinence. The involuntary leakage of urine can feel embarrassing, bothersome, or totally debilitating. Some women just dribble a little while they sneeze or laugh, but other women have more serious cases. Read More...